Mrs Dalloway (1925)

1. Septimus Smith and Clarissa Dalloway are often considered to be 'doubles'. How does the narrative convey the parallels between them?

→ Woolf originally created for Clarissa to die, then created Septimus as a double

“Septimus and Clarissa are linked by their marginal position in patriarchal society: she as a woman, he as a shell-shocked soldier. Woolf shows their similarity in her portrayal of their alienated minds. The thoughts of each are often apparently disjointed, seemingly random but actually associative. The difference between the two characters is that Clarissa retains the ability to draw her fragments together while Septimus cannot.” (Childs 179)

2. Modernist literature is often described as ‘urban’. How is London represented in Mrs Dalloway? And are there any references to nature in the novel?